Home > Où acheter > Parkett Avenue | Yerevan Parkett Avenue | Yerevan 40/13 Dzorapi Street, Yerevan, Armenia Dzorap 40/13 RА, Yerevan, ARMÉNIE 00374 96 54 22 39 parkettavenue@mail.ru Voir sur le plan DEMANDE D'INFORMATIONS Name*Email address* Company*Name of project*ArchitectNumber of offer (e.g. H19801)*Nature/description of the project and location*What's about the main challenges that you deal with this project? How we supported you?Picture of the products (*zip or *rar file, limit 1GB)Accepted file types: zip, rar, Max. file size: 1,000 MB.Scegli il file...Or paste the URL of the pictures online folder.Project's website, credits & social account to mention in our publishing activityRights to use the material*I hereby grant permission to Barausse S.r.l. to publish free of charge, in any appropriate media and without any time or geographical limitations the following information: ▹To publicly mention the project name and location ▹To publicly mention Company in relation to the project ▹To use Company brand in order to promote the business partnership ▹To publish the images of the project . I agree